The Remarkable Watercolors of Krassinsky!
Le Singe qui Aimait les Fleurs is a comic book by Jean-Paul Krassinsky, first published in 2007. This animal fable explores profound themes such as difference, exclusion, and the quest for friendship.
In 2024, Éditions Fabula undertook a deluxe reissue of this work, funded through a crowdfunding campaign. This new edition features an enriched and entirely re-watercolored version by the author, creating a vibrant and immersive atmosphere— a unique opportunity to rediscover this sensitive and poetic work, magnified by Krassinsky’s watercolor talent, and to explore the timeless themes it conveys.
Artwork Details
• Size: 33 x 24 cm
• Technique: Watercolor on Moulin du Coq 300g paper
• Signed "Krassinsky" at the bottom left
Each artwork is carefully packaged and protected for shipment in an ultra-resistant tube.
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